Statement of the Problem
Decreasing the energy consumption or reducing the energy wastages of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems is becoming increasingly important due to rising cost of fossil fuels and environmental concerns. Therefore, finding novel ways to reduce energy consumption in buildings without compromising comfort and indoor air quality is an ongoing research challenge (Vakiloroaya, 2014). The reality of the energy management of HVAC installation lies on the predictive approach adopted in order to envisage the energy consumption and consequently plan the energy consumption. Heating and cooling of buildings is one of the biggest costs for business. The HVAC systems have business and environmental costs. HVAC system provides year-round indoor comfort in buildings regardless of the type or temperature outside. HVAC systems account for between 40-50% of the Public building energy usage and contribute 34.7 megatoonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year (Energy Conversation Building Code (ECBC), (2007). According to a research carried out by Lius etal, (2008), on the energy consumption information, it was identified that among building services, the growth in HVAC system energy consumption is particularly significant accounting for 50%of building energy consumption and 20% of total consumption in the USA). Lius et’al, observed that the key building services energy end uses in the building envelopes are: HVAC, lighting and appliances and it accounts for 85% of the total energy consumption. Thus, with the consolidation of the demand for thermal comfort, HVAC systems(and its associated energy consumption) alone has become an unavoidable asset, accounting for almost half the energy consumed in buildings and around 10-20% of the energy consumption in developed countries (Lius et al, 2008). 5 The growing reliance on HVAC systems in residential, Public and industrial environments has resulted in a huge increase in energy usage, particularly in the summer months. Developing energy efficient HVAC systems is essential, both to protect consumers from surging power costs and to protect the environment from the adverse impacts of greenhouse gas emissions caused by the use of energy inefficient electrical appliances. In general, the trend of installing HVAC systems increases in public and public buildings like Hotels even in Nigeria. However, while other countries have taken the lead of sorting out their energy challenges by evaluating the energy usage and its related factors, the case in Nigeria has been focused mainly on developing sustaining energy production measures. Conversely, this study is channeled towards evaluating energy usage and waste in the study area resulting from HVAC system installation in the Hotels. While facilities managers have saved money by upgrading their visual systems, HVAC systems are largely being neglected even though it promises a large savings because it’s one of the largest energy end use contributor. Thus, if attention is directed towards management of the HVAC installations potential energy can be saved and consequently the cost implication. Unfortunately, in the research area, there is a dense population of people and proliferation of hotels in Owerri municipal. Similarly, owing to the quest for excellent comfort level in these hotels to meet client/customer demand, it has also lead to unparalleled use of HVAC systems in the Hotels irrespective of the energy demand, energy cost and the corresponding environmental impact of the energy demand. Often times the HVAC installations in this hotels are rarely given maintenance attention as much as it is given to the aesthetics even though the HVAC has both energy and cost implication. Thus, this study seeks to evaluate extent of maintenance of the HVAC systems and its energy implications. The conformation of the HVAC installation to the standards and the possibility of adopting a predictive model that will both predict and optimize the energy consumption. Upon these premises, the study seeks to develop a model that can lead to sustainable/optimized energy consumption in hotel buildings in Owerri municipal.
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Chapter One: Introduction
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1.1 Background of the Study
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